Una clau per millorar i innovar a les universitats

Al número de desembre d’Educause Review hi ha un valuós article titulat Leading Change: An Exploratory Process. M’hi ha agradat molt com es refereix a la part més humana del procés de millora i innovació a les universitats: els factors que s’han d’adreçar per assolir l’èxit de qualsevol evolució. Ho reprodueixo literalment:

Championship—identify those leaders who can articulate ideas and inspire others to participate.
Ownership—encourage all staff to buy in to the process that will be used to identify goals, objectives, and implementation plans, so that they can participate in the change.
Satisfaction—show that efforts will be valued and that frank discussion will lead to a defined direction.
Accountability—ensure that the group, at all levels, has the commitment to pursue its ideas and the resources to achieve its goals.
Responsibility—follow through on the implementation, monitoring, communication, and continuous feedback.
Fulfillment—celebrate the contributions and achievements of the organization and its members.

Com tot el que es publica a Educause, una bona col.lecció d’idees per fer pensar.

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