Un oxímoron, els congressos

M’ha fet força gràcies l’article “Sex and the Conference” que publica el Chronicle of Higher Education (és de pagament). Es tracta d’un article en clau humorística sobre les relacions humanes que tenen lloc quan es participa en un congrès acadèmic.

La darrera frase (que tallo per fer-la més senzilla) és divertida: While you are free to depart holding hands, it is more likely that your new friend will wish for some discretion on your part. The mores of what constitutes discretion differ from discipline to discipline, and it is up to you to ascertain them, but here are some pointers.

Creative writers stand up, say “I’m leaving now,” and then stare fixedly at you.

Philosophers, a more intuitive lot, simply disappear into the mist, but you can find them in the hallway in front of the vending machine, slamming their palms against the display window because the Doritos bag got wedged halfway down and now they are out of quarters.

Sociologists loiter in the parking lot.

Psychologists will follow you to your room, so there’s no need to say a word, although you may require a temporary restraining order by noon the next day.

Ethnographers are fine with exiting while necking.

Historians may require some cajoling, but the promise of a side trip to the 7-Eleven magazine stand will usually suffice.

Literary critics are already tapping their feet impatiently at your room’s doorway by the time you get there, but will waste valuable time explaining why their book was not positioned in the very first row of their publisher’s table in the books exhibit.

Scientists have already found their way into your room; get there quickly or they may be done before you arrive.

Evidentment l’articulista és de Lletres!