Wikis, podcasts, blogs… això és massa!

Les revistes d’Educause són una molt bona font d’experiències innovadores en ensenyament superior. Per exemple, l’Educause Review de 9-10/2007 porta un bon aricle sobre podcasts, wikis i blogs. El títol ja és suggerent: Què n’han de fer, els professors?

Iddes interessants: (1) els estudiants cada cop en saben més que els professors, d’us de les TIC. (2) Els estudiants viuen en una realitat diferent de la dels professors.

Quins són els principals reptes?

  • The technology-adoption cycle: Under ideal circumstances, a faculty member may require anywhere from three to four terms to adopt a learning technology tool; even more time may be needed to produce positive results in teaching and learning. Many faculty members are hesitant to experiment with several tools at once and prefer a “one-at-a-time” approach to adoption and integration. The ever-changing array of available tools and the lack of information related to adoption and use together act as a de-motivator.
  • Lack of integrated technology tools: Most faculty members are using some type of course management system, but many tools considered to be “emerging” are not integrated into these systems: blogs, wikis, podcasting. Lack of integration results in multiple log-ins, data input, and results tracking. In other words, tools that are not centrally integrated require an additional “use and management” investment that is otherwise unnecessary.
  • Learners’ changing expectations: Students and their preferences are often a moving and diverse target. Not all students prefer the same amount or type of instructional technologies, leaving faculty members struggling to identify and select the appropriate tool.
  • Institutional changes to technology commitments: Faculty members often adopt and integrate technologies at a different rate—sometimes slower, sometimes faster—than does the institution where they teach. An organization may decide to review, and possibly change, the course management system every five years. Changes in tools and in the commitment to support them result in an unstable, unpredictable environment, which makes innovation and adoption a risky business for faculty.

Potser les idees d’aquest article no són aplicables totalment a les nostres universitats, però hi podem trobar claus importants per al futur de les TIC a la Universitat.