D’aquest concepte una mica anglosaxó n’he parlat un parell de vegades i n’he fet un article al Diari de Girona. Ara veig una entrada interessant a SociaMediaToday sobre orquestrar la serendipitat, que més o menys vé a ser allò de “la sort cal buscar-la”.
El que es tracta doncs és de facilitar, amb condicions favorables, la troballa d’una cosa quan se n’estava cercant una altra. Algunes condicions favorables són:
- Include room in your time and budget for cultivating topics, people, and events that will not have a direct correlated return but fall into your general range of business
- Understand what type of happy accidents you would be able to take advantage of and gear your cultivation in that general direction – whether it is topical, geographic, or specific types of people
- Listen, probe, and listen some more
- Be useful to people in your ‘zone’, they will return the favor in unexpected, serendipitous ways
- Assume you will achieve your goals in a slightly different way than you might think and leave room in your planning for it.
La serendipitat és difícil si s’està massa concentrat o focalitzat en un tema determinat, això crec que és evident:
Serendipity does not happen if you are so busy that you don’t recognize the opportunity or worse, if you actively dismiss it because you are too busy or too focused. Obviously there are some people better suited to recognizing opportunity than others – don’t misplace them either.
Un dels comentaris d’aquesta entrada té una valuosa reflexió:
I would think that almost all my learning everyday is serendipitious, but the environment which I learn from (RSS feeds, various twitter tools) is intentionally setup. Apart from tools for learning, I also need the 3 attributes of motivation to perform this learning activity everyday: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose.
Espero seguir fent troballes serindípicament. Com per exemple aquesta empresa colobiana: Serendipity .