Periodisme científic i blogs


Gràcies al blog de LorelleOnWordpress (i al BlogHerald) he conegut l’estudi de Nature sobre l’evolució del periodisme científic (“Science journalism: Supplanting the old media?”). S’han dut a terme unes 500 entrevistes a periodistes científics, davant de la gradual eliminació de les seccions de ciència en les edicions en paper (i, per exemple, de la secció de ciència de Val la pena llegir un parell de frases de l’editorial de Nature sobre aquest article:

True, there is no shortage of scientific information on the web. Witness the way that research funding agencies use the web to inform the public about everything from planetary missions to public health. In principle, anyone with an Internet connection now has access to more, and better, scientific coverage than ever before.

Harder, but not impossible. For example, scientists are blogging in ever increasing numbers, and the most popular blogs draw hundreds of thousands of readers each month. These blogging scientists not only offer expertise for free, but have emerged as an important resource for reporters. A Nature survey of nearly 500 science journalists shows that most have used a scientist’s blog in developing story ideas. And a handful of universities, meanwhile, have started environmental publications that are run jointly by scientists and journalists. These publications seek to provide their journalistically valid, scientifically accurate content free of charge to the mainstream press.

I sobre l’actitut respecte de la Ciència 2.0:

But in today’s overstressed media market, scientists must change these attitudes if they want to stay in the public eye. They must recognize the contributions of bloggers and others, and they should encourage any and all experiments that could help science better penetrate the news cycle. Even if they are reluctant to talk to the press themselves, they should encourage colleagues who do so responsibly. Scientists are poised to reach more people than ever, but only if they can embrace the very technology that they have developed.

M’he de llegir amb calma l’article del Nature, segur que té elements interessants. Per cert, els resultats de l’enquesta a la pregunta de si recomanarien la professió de periodista científic són molt bons:

Q15. Would you recommend a career in science, health, environment or technology journalism to a student?

Yes 59.8% 275
No 13.5% 62
Unsure 26.7% 123
answered question 460
skipped question 33