Repassant les darreres notícies d’Educause (a la intersecció de les TIC i la Universitat) m’he trobat amb un excel.lent document sobre el que pot ser la Web 2.0 a una Universitat. Educause Quarterly en parla a Dispersed Web Content Management in Higher Education: en concret, es tracta de la University of Utah Valley (UVU), molt a prop de Salt Lake City. Fa poc van crear un comité consultiu per tirar endavant la web 2.0, i de la seva reunió d’agost de 2009 se’n va fer una acta que recull una proposta d’utilització de les xarxes socials per part de l’UVU (potser hi manca una mica la part de mòbils i microblogging).
Es tracta d’un bon document de partida per parlar de la Universitat 2.0. Al comité o a la part tècnica hauria d’haver-hi un community manager, però en el fons ja se n’hi parla, a l’acta de la reunió.
Les eines de la web 2.0 que la UVU esmenta són
” Social Bookmarking (Folksonomy) – communities of users based on their decision to link to, cite, and otherwise reference specific websites, journals, and other resources.
” Social Networking & Profiles – building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests of others.
” Blogs – regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Often end-users can respond directly, and publically, to Blog postings.
” Collaborative & Interactive Environments – the user can interact with the site itself, with others, and sometimes with the originators themselves. Wiki is a common example.
” Open Educational Resources – freely accessible electronic access to course materials, but it also involves other aspects such as open access to books and library materials, and access to modules of educational information instead of complete courses.
” Open Access Journals & Publications – scholarly journals publicly available at no cost to the end user.
” Document Sharing – allow you to share and collaborate online.
” Feed Readers, News Aggregators & News Rating – permit subscription to regular updates, delivered automatically via a web portal, news reader, or in some cases good old email.
” Microblogging – allows users to send brief text updates or micromedia such as photos or audio clips and publish them,
” Community Engagement Tools – becoming engaged with the community through volunteering, community service, or attendance or support of events.
” Feedback and User Review – end users can offer feedback and review.
” Productivity and Research Tools – help with research and productivity in education.
” Photo and Video Sharing & Editing – share images and videos, or even create images or videos.
” Geomapping & Geospatial Tools – find things geographically.
I com ho fa aquesta Universitat de 27.000 estudiants per fer anar el seu web? Així:
UVU handles its website using a dispersed content management system. A governing body known as the Web Advisory Council manages the system, along with an action-oriented team known as the Strategic Web Action Team, the Web Development Services arm of Information Technology, the Web Resource Services arm of Marketing and Communications, and approximately 200 web content contributors throughout campus who enable the website’s success and impact. The individual editors control the content for which they have expertise.
Segons aquest article d’Educause Quarterly, hi ha dues formes de governar un web:
There are two primary options for web content management:
First is a centralized model where a specific department or departments manage and maintain all web-related content. IT and/or marketing departments are often the gatekeepers in these situations.
Second is a dispersed management model where the editorial responsibility is spread throughout staff and campus. The authority for publishing on the web may range from direct access to create and publish pages to access to edit pages and submit them for approval.
D’aquí se’n pot treure força suc per a la Universitat 2.0. En el nostre cas cal afegir-hi el tema de la política lingüístic i geopolítica.