El blog de l’equip web d’una universitat

Vaig parlar a finals de 2009 a Community Managers i Universitat sobre l’entrada del blog UK Web Focus If Not Too Large, Are University Web Teams Poor Communicators?, on s’hi deia que els equips web de les universitats (angleses) són poc comunicadors. Ara en elmateix blog, en Brian Kelly parla de Revisiting Web Team Blogs i on proporciona cinc raons perquè els equips web d’una universitat mantinguin un blog:

Communicating what you’re doing
Personal Development
Community Engagement
Practicing what you preach
Networking with peers

Aquesta entrada és encara més rellevant després de veure l’acudit d’xkcd sobre els webs universitaris, al meu darrer post. A les anteriors, en Brian hi afegeix aquestes quatre raons:

  • Effective communications within your institution: If you are failing to communicate with the large numbers of people within your institution who have an interest in the running and ongoing development of your Web services will they be supportive of your department when it is time to decide where cuts should fall?
  • Practicing what you preach: With the ever-growing relevance of Web 2.0 and the Social Web in supporting learning and teaching and research activities it would not be unreasonable for institutions to expect that central support services should have practical experiences of the tools, such as blogs, which will be used across the institution. The ways in which blogs can easily create RSS feeds of the content, which can be used in a variety of other applications (including mobile devices) also provide an example of content reuse which should be central to a Web teams approaches to the provision of Web-based services.
  • Personal development: At a time in which we might expect cuts, downsizing and even redundancies it will be important for members of Web teams to enhance their skills
  • Networking with peers: The Web management community has had a longstanding tradition of sharing and collaboration ever since the establishment of the web-support and website-info-mgt mailing lists. But although the use of such mailing lists has shown significant decline over the past 5 years there does not seem to have been a take-up of blogs across the community which could prove valuable in the development of a knowledge base to inform discussions across the sector.

Gràcies a la cerca que s’ha fet dels blogs anglesos, el mateix post d’UK Web Focus esmenta l’estratègia RICE de la Birmingham City University:

  • Research – before you do a thing examine why you are planning to use social media, see if anyone else is doing something similar, what sort of platforms there are and how applicable they are to your plans, also check what is used in the age-group, sector or geographical areas you wish to engage with.
  • Invest – there is no point making a token gesture in social media, a proper presence requires a proper investment. Social media is an ongoing dialogue with your users so needs investment in time and patience as results may not be immediate or even that easy to quantify.
  • Commit – your organisation needs to buy into social media and integrate it into it’s existing marketing and communication functions. Social media is a dialogue not a broadcast like traditional media so you need to be in for the long run to get the best of it.
  • Engage – as social media is a dialogue you need to engage in discussion with your customers. Build a community of your users and customers and this can help drive the development of your social media.

Un dels prinicpals beneficis de mantenir un blog per part de l’equip web (o social media) és conèixer, compartir, experimentar, cooperar, col.laborar… amb els altres equips web. Això és el que han fet a Anglaterra amb el congrès IWMW2010. Segur que a casa nostra hi ha experiències semblants, però em pregunto si són en col.laboració amb el territori físic que ens envolta, o amb el territori virtual: la internet.


Hi ha feina.

Imatge: http://www.graywebtech.com/Libraries/Page_Headers/blogging2_1.sflb.ashx