En aquests dies que he estat mig desconnectat hi he trobat tres píndoles interessants pel que fa als mitjans socials digitals. Crec que es va esclarint una mica aquest paisatge fosc (no pas per dolent, sinó per nou).
En primer lloc, a 11 Ideas About Which I May Be Wrong d’Inside Higher Ed, en Joshua Kim es pregunta si les seves percepcions sobre l’educació i la tecnologia són correctes. Es tracta d’afirmacions raonables, però que podrien ser errònies. Per exemple, la desena diu “10. Mobile: Mobile learning will be become as essential and ubiquitous as both browser and classroom based learning.”
Pe run altre cantó, a The 5 Most Underused Personal Branding & Networking Tools, l’Eric Fulwiler parla de les connexions personals: Connections aren’t like dollars; you don’t earn them and then put them in the bank to withdraw when you need them. Networks must be cultivated to remain healthy and strong. En aquest sentit, l’autor opina a SocialMediaToday que hi ha cinc eines clàssiques per mantenir aquestes connexions: el cara-a-cara, el telèfon, la resposta ràpida, la invitació eprsonalitzada i la petició d’opinió. Això permet mantenir les connexions i guardar la reputació de la marca personal.
Finalment, el mateix SocialMediaToday porta una entrada interessant anomenada Social Identity Applications: Managing Your Career Online on l’autor, Kurt Voelker, parla que hi ha un subgrup d’aplicacions dels Social Media (Mitjans Socials, de fet, la Web 2.0) que es pot anomenar aplicacions de Social Identity (Identitat Social, potser també anomenada Identitat Digital). Pe run cantó, diu quel
2009 was the year that these professionals went beyond being careful about their online presence to actively using social media applications to form the basis of their professional reputation and identity. Blogs have long been important for creating online identities, as previously-unknown people became pundits in their own rights simply by blogging. But even for the vaunted Instapundit, blogging has been a past-tense experience. Social media tools that provide status updates linked to information about a person create a much more immediate presence and a sense of what the person is doing right this moment, and observing it over time gives you a sense of what that professional does and how they do it.
i per un altre, que
Professionals who are a part of this trend will want to master online reputation-building. Many web professionals have already chosen to split their identity by application: Twitter and LinkedIn, together with a blog and basic contact info, form the basis of their professional identity. Snippets learned from conferences, requests for information or help from the community, and occasional water-cooler gripes form most of their output. They either ignore or lock down Facebook to ensure that friends and family have a place to interact with them that is separated from their work identity. Both identities are social; but one is public, professional, and, to varying degrees, collegial while the other handles the personal and private. Others blur the lines and accept that their personal and professional lines will cross, and mainly distinguish their interactions by tone. Political commentary will mix with professional commentary, and the context of their interaction will determine what approach they take.
Tot l’article és interessant i val la pena llegir-lo.
Imatge: el sol surt al Matterhorn: http://www.ski-zermatt.com/mattnet/features/matterhorn_climb/photo11.htm