Què és una assignatura (a l’educació superior)?


So then what is the point of a course in higher education? More generally, what is the purpose of higher education? Are we to educate or are we to socialize and sermonize? Do we build knowledge or provide practical, hard skills for students to use in work and play?

Això es pregunta Lee Elaine Skallerup a l’Inside Higher Education, després d’impartir una assignatura que anava precisament de dissenyar una assignatura (de segon curs) sobre qualsevol tema que es considerés universitari. Les temàtiques que els estudiants van proposar em recorden una mica a les assignatures de lliure configuració que encara hi ha a la universitat, fins que el Pla de Bolonya hagi entrat totalment en marxa.

L’autora del post veu que els estudiants volen coses pràctiques…

where is the opportunity for critical thinking, for something beyond honing a skill? But perhaps this is a reflection of the interests of many of the students who are attending my university. They are there for practical skills and a more technical degree: nursing, vet tech, engineering tech, agriculture tech, even teaching. The courses they see the most value in and that they most look forward to are those that place them in an environment where they are learning and practicing concrete, job-related skills. Why model the optional courses in the same way?

I en resposta a la pregunta inicial:

I thought I knew. Now, I’m not so sure. At least, I am beginning to understand the disconnect I feel sometimes between myself and my students. We are here, in the university, for very, very different purposes.

Doncs sí… quí rau la diferència entre anar a formació professional i anar a la universitat. Si no hi hagués la diferència en la formació en l’esperit crític, en aprendre quelcom més enllà d’una habilitat, no hi hauria universitat.

Val la pena llegir l’entrada de Skallerup i reflexionar-hi.

Ara ve Nadal.

Foto: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/02/01/step-by-moving-step-path-hill-takes-shape/