A vegades et trobes amb peces divertides que a la vegada fan pensar. Avui en proporciono dues. Per començar, un acudit d’en Forges que l’Antonio Arias ha comentat al seu post Simplificar la gestión de la investigación, i el qual puc dit que és força veritat: a les reunions cal anar-hi per si de cas.
I una altra peça, d’Improbable Research, sobre Faculty action figures, on es comenta sobre figuretes que representen professors de la universitat:
Very few universities have had realistic ‘action figures’ made of their faculties and staff. One exception is the University of the Ozarks in Arkansas, where Dr. Jesse Weiss (Associate Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies) has produced a collection of them. The professor hatched the idea via his hobby of customizing action figure models from manufacturer Jakks Pacific. Classics so far include Ozarks President Dr. Rick Niece [pictured] , along with Associate Professor of Biology Dr. Sean Coleman, and Assistant Professor of English Dr. Brian Hardman.