L’excel.lent blog Boing-Boing ha publicat el post Chemistry kit with no chemicals on s’hi esmenta un nou joc de química (CHEMISTRY 60) que no té reactius químics! Chemistry 60 és descrit al seu web com a “60 Fun Activities with no Chemicals“
60 + fun activities with home science and kitchen chemistry. Investigate with safe and simple materials – discover basic scientific laws and phenomena. Grow crystals; Chromatograohy; Optics; Growing Plants; Slime and Gook; Science Tricks;3 Dimensional Bubbles and more!
Més informació a makezine.com i al propi Chemical & Engineering News, que diu:
How does Elenco Electronics, the Chemistry 60 manufacturer, succeed in teaching about topics such as acids, bases, solutions, and colloids without chemicals? It appears that the “chemicals” the kit does not contain are the substances you supply from your kitchen cupboard. The set does include goggles, safety glasses, vials, test tubes, and other lab implements. Of course these plastic tools are chemicals in their own right, but why get technical?
O sigui, que el kit no conté reactius químics, i que aquests s’han d’aconseguir de la cuina, veritable laboratori químic a l’abast de tothom. Si aquest joc ens permet mostrar que la química és pertot arreu, que la química és natural, i que la química és la nostra vida i el nostre futur, doncs ja podem estar-ne contents. Com diu el lema de l’Any Internacional de la Química 2011, “our life, our future”.
Els comentaris són ben interessants i proporcionen més informació sobre jocs de química.