Al blog hi he vist una interessant entrada titulada How scientists can reach out with social media on s’hi reflexiona sobre formes com els científics poden engrescar el públic amb les xarxes socials. En remarco vàries frases que ajuden a fer entendre la importància de les eines de la web 2.0 per a un científic-investigador:
Using social media, scientists like you can show how science is really done: a day in the life, the highs and lows, the set-backs, the uncertainties. You can showcase the scientific method in action and open up the sometimes hidden world of science by sharing the aspects that don’t make it into published papers, such as negative results or easily made mistakes. You can express your excitement and show why your questions are worth solving (and worth taxpayers’ support).
Social media offers many ways to share your scientific life. Keeping a science blog — a regular, personal written account — is one way (read more about how to start a science blog here). Examples of entertaining scientist bloggers include Nina, a soil scientist in New Zealand, and Female Science Professor, an anonymous professor of physical sciences.
Increasingly, people get ideas about science primarily from the media, including social media in which science communicators, including scientists, are expected to engage with their audiences and interact with them.
All social media outlets let people leave comments or ratings. And interaction gives commenters a sense of belonging and helps build up a following. So try to be responsive.
L’autora, Jennifer Rohn, demana
The most important thing is to be active.Science needs as many advocates as it can get, reaching out to the public across many kinds of media. So go on, give it a try. I hope to soon see many more scientists all over the world sharing their stories using the power of social media.
Doncs és important que la gent de ciència vagi insistint en què cal connectar amb les persones de la societat, amb diferents registres, de formes diferents. I tambéés important comunicar la feina del dia-a-dia, perquè la gent sàpìga que els seus impostos, els diners dels projectes, els sous dels professors-investigadors, es fan servir de forma adient.
La importància de la imatge i del video cal remarcar-la. Tal com diu l’autora d’aquest post,
Whatever your medium, don’t forget your audience. Write or speak clearly using plain language in a conversational tone, not technical terms. Real-life metaphors and analogies will help make your point.
You’ll probably use your own language, and engage with people who speak it. But you might also broaden your approach with multiple languages. Have your webpage translated into other widely-used languages, give your video subtitles, or make your video universally understood by making verbal explanations unnecessary. The levitating objects video on the French superconductivity website inspired me with wonder and curiosity at the almost magical properties of the materials on display, even though I don’t speak French.
En relació amb el web, hi ha un editorial molt interessant sobre el paper dels mitjans socials a la societat, i sobre com cal no culpar-los de les coses que passen al món: Social media: Don’t shoot the messaging service