M’ha agradat el post del Guardian Higher Education Network (darrerament està molt bé) titulat Employability: university education isn’t just about developing skills. Dues idees com a subtítol i peu de foto:
- The debate around employability and skills is important, but we must not lose sight of the critical and theoretical talent universities are also required to deliver.
- While teamwork is great, universities must first and foremost produce graduates who are continually able ro learn, to think critically and theoretically
Amb la possible introducció o intersecció dels mòduls professionals de grau superior (i de fet en la incorporació passada d’estudis professionals de grau mig i la seva transformació en graus/llicenciatures) segueix viva la discussió del paper de la Universitat i el significat de l’educació superior.
Algunes idees rellevants d’aquest article de David Docherty:
La majoria d’habilitats tècniques que s’hi expliquen ja no valdran quan els actuals joves portin 10 anys a la seva feina.
If a skill is a repeatable process in a predictable environment, expertise is the application of theory to practice. This distinction (even if in reality it is a continuum) is vitally important in setting out the mission of universities in helping to deliver economic prosperity and a good society.
If a skill is a repeatable process in a predictable environment, expertise is the application of theory to practice.
At its most basic […] the majority of technical skills being taught in schools and universities will be defunct by the time young people are 10 years into their careers.
Què es demana actualment a Austràlia?
[…] will need to combine new operational skills with communication, teamwork and decision-making skills will intensify, the flexibility and resilience to change jobs, apply skills in different context and go on learning will be essential.
Cal no perdre de vista el que poden aportar les universitats, però:
[…] we must not lose sight of the talent universities are really put on earth to deliver. They must provide us with people with the ability to continually learn, to think critically and theoretically, to be reflective and reflexive, to innovate and break the status quo, and to navigate in the unstable waters of the global economy.
Docherty parla finalment del lideratge…
The way to drive the underperforming tail is to ensure that businesses get the quality of expert leadership they need.
Interessants reflexions, sense cap dubte.