Microaprenentatge i aprenentatge democràtic

He vist dos articles interessants que poden proporcionar algunes pistes més sobre la rellevància del moviment MOOC:

(1) What is micro-learning?
Es tracta d’una nova plataforma de microaprenentatge. En aquest articles s’hi esmenten beneficis per a estudiants, professors i institucions. I es fa servir el tetris com a exemple 🙂

“The rapidly growing online education industry faces a number of hurdles, like the fact that most students do not complete online courses with about 90% of courses remaining incomplete. We know what the problem is: courses are too long!”

(2) Building Democratic Learning

Dens article, que té moltes referències ben comentades i curades. Molt rellevant.

Sobre el projecte WikiQuals. Crítiques (fonamentades i que en tot cas permeten reflexionar) als MOOCs.

Em sembla especialment important preguntar-se “I si no són els MOOC, llavors què?”

“If Not MOOC then what?
I recently ran a curated conversation on Education Innovation at BIS which suggested the following three ways in which we might innovate education for the 21st Century;
a) Develop a Community of Innovators, maybe even a maverick network; a community of practice for innovation in education
b) Develop learning design skills which are based on new 21st Century pedagogies; such as the Open Context Model of Learning or the Emergent Learning Model or Connectivism or e-pedagogies or Ecologies of Resources…
c) Design learning experiences that offer complexity, authenticity and engagement; what the Digital Practitioner work described as creating “artfully constructed student-centred learning experiences“
d) develop them for the society in which we wish to live, for me that is building participatory democratic processes. I did a workshop with Leonard Turton of Summerhill School earlier this year (at CROS in Romania) and their core principle is that you can not build democratic society without learning in democratic schools; great point! I think we are doing that at degree level with WikiQuals. Have a look at Open Learning & Network Democracy for more on this.”

I parla de MOCCs, en el cotext de les ciutats (smart cities?!)

“City Learning Contexts; Actually at the FOTE12 (Future of Technology 2102) event yesterday I suggested that what we really needed to be designing are MOCCs – Massively Open Cultural Contexts in which we learn. We tried this in the Ambient Learning City project called MOSI-ALONG in Manchester, and came to some conclusions about Social Cities of Tomorrow called Aggregate then Curate. The curation of content, such as on, say, xtlearn, (“Pinterest with Pedagogy”) is certainly at least as important as open access to content delivery educational systems.
NB; if you liked this blog post you might like the document ‘Open learning & network democracy‘ which asks you to first think for what kind of society you want before you start building, or designing, learning for.”

Aquest article és de finals del 2012, però encara és actual, i és actualitzat regularment.