Els acadèmics hem de fer temps per pensar, i hem de fer temps per ser.


He trobat una article molt interessant sobre la feina dels acadèmics: “In Search of Lost Time” al Inside Higher Education (Why do academics work so much?) On hi ha la frase “I cannot remember the last time I ended a day having crossed everything off my to-do list.” Jo solo dir: estic ficat en mil temes – que em busco tot sol 🙂

Donat que hi ha tantes coses interessants a fer, l’autor diu dues coses que val la pena remarcar:

Time is all we have. One day, we’ll reach the last page of the calendar, the clock will stop, and our time will cease. While it is a privilege to pursue interesting work, we also need to make time to live.

We need time to think. I mean this quite literally: thought requires time. Ideas need some idle, nonproductive space in which to thrive. This kind of sustained thinking is an important part of being human, but it’s also vital for good academic work.

O sigui :Though university administrators may not want to hear me say it, we need to encourage people to become less productive. Make time to not work. Make time to think. Make time simply to be.

En definitiva: gaudim de les coses. A vegades en fem moltes, i no podem gaudir del que hem fet bé, perquè hem de preparar la següent. Com si tinguéssim àpats en restaurants de tres estrelles Michelin per dinar i per sopar cada dia.

Hem de fer temps per pensar i per ser.

Però no és pas tant fàcil com sembla, en un món tant competitiu com l’actual. I on hi ha tantes oportunitats.

Un article per emmarcar.

Foto CC-BY de Davide Restibo https://www.flickr.com/photos/somemixedstuff/2403249501