La relació entre l’educació superior, la recerca i la Universitat amb la Wikipedia no para de crèixer. Per exemple, acaba d’aparèixer la “Guia de bones pràctiques per a l’ús docent de Viquipèdia a la universitat ”
L’objectiu general del recull de pràctiques que tot seguit us presentem és oferir un document de recomanacions per a docents universitaris que, o bé vulguin aprofundir en les seves pràctiques, o bé es vulguin iniciar en aquesta mena d’exercicis amb la Viquipèdia. En última instància, volem contribuir a estendre l’ús dels recursos educatius oberts a la Xarxa de manera innovadora.
Pel que a la wikipedia mateixa, fa poc Slashdot en parlava a Meet the 36 People Who Run Wikipedia
By pretty much any logic, Wikipedia shouldn’t work: A vast website, built on the labor of volunteers, with very few tangible rewards and a fairly weird hierarchy. From the article: “The stewards would prefer to go unnoticed. Only one has ever had any real fame—Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales served as a steward from 2006 to 2009. They operate above the fray, giving and taking user privileges and intervening in matters that lower-ranking editors can’t handle. You can summon them for emergencies in the Wikimedia Stewards IRC chat room by typing ‘!steward.’ Their secrecy has a certain irony, given the very public product they manage, but perhaps it’s emblematic of Wikimedia as a whole. When your foundational value is that ‘every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge,’ hierarchies become a necessary evil.”
La relació en particular entre biblioteques i wikipedia va ser tractada fa ben poc per en @briankelly a Why and How Librarians Should Engage With Wikipedia i amb la presentació a Slideshare
I en un recent article al LSE, s’hi deia Writing for Wikipedia has forced me into good scholarly habits and accessible writing
Where Wikipedia has poor-quality articles, we should regard it as a great opportunity, argues Martin Poulter. Researchers and educators, especially in social science, should get involved in improving the site both for its educational value and to promote their areas of study to a truly global audience.
Imatge CC-BY-SA de School Of Open Workshop WMDE / Elly Köpf des de