Comunicació al congrès “E-Learning 2016: New Strategies and Trends”


De dimarts a dijous ha tingut lloc a Collado-Villalba (Madrid) el XI Congrès de l’Associació Guide (XI International GUIDE Conference and IX International EdTech Ikasnabar Congress “E-Learning 2016: New Strategies and Trends”). L’organització ha anat a càrrec de la UDIMA de Madrid i de l’EHU.

Segons el web del congrès,

The XI International GUIDE Conference will be hosted by Madrid Open University from 22 to 24 June 2016 and will be live-streamed in Bilbao at the University of the Basque Country. The event is organized in conjunction with the IX International Edtech Ikasnabar Congress.

The conference seeks to anticipate the future of education, offering a critical inside look into the current trends and resources being used in teach and learning environments.

The 2016 e-learning strategies and trends will be explored through the presentation of case studies, practical applications and the analysis of data related to students’, faculties’ and organizations’ performance.

The event provides teachers and experts the unique opportunity to contribute to this global vision of shaping the future of learning.

Aprofitant les dates i la proximitat a Madrid, en Fernando Blasco hi ha assistit. Amb ell i amb la Sílvia Simon hi hem presentat la comunicació “Using mysteries of magic to engage students in the learning process”, on mostrem com la màgia serveix per educar, parlem del MOOC “Màgia, Ciència i Secrets Confessables”, exposem el projecte de Màgia de la Ciència, etc:

Using games in education has been identified as a powerful tool. If we combine playing with the interest induced by the unknown we are able to get even more surprising results. Our proposal shows some activities designed and developed having those two principles in mind. Moreover, we add another important element: multidisciplinarity.

Our project ‘From the Science of Magic to the Magic of Science’ (#magsci) uses magic tricks to present key concepts in Science. It deals with different formats: lectures and workshops in schools, non formal education in museums and civic centers, the theoretical study of the interphase between magic, science and education, the Mooc ‘Magic, Science and avowable secrets” (#magcimooc) as well as some magic tricks designed to learn Science through apps and web pages.

Presenting ‘mysteries’ and puzzles with everyday objects (bank notes, calendars, food, …) allows us to create an atmosphere that induces the student to be eager to know the secret behind those prodigies. We have developed activities for ‘The Magic of the Periodic Table’ and ‘The Magic of Food’. We will include practical examples.

En Fernando va fer ahir l’exposició oral de la comunicació. De fet, al llarg del congrès, ha piulat amb el hashtag #elearning16


No es pot ser a dos llocs a la vegada… mentre en Fernando era a aquest congrès, jo era a Dubrovnik, al congrès MathChemComp.