Comunicació Química en entorns informals


He vist al J. Chem. Educ. un comentari al manual (descarregable en pdf) de la National Academy of Sciences, Eng. and Medicine sobre Communicating Chemistry. A framework for sharing science. Segons el JCE,

Many chemists engage in outreach activities through their companies, colleges and universities, government laboratories, and ACS local sections. Sharing research findings, developing better-informed citizens and consumers, and inspiring future generations of chemists and chemical engineers are factors that motivate chemists to engage with the public. Yet most chemists receive little training in effectively communicating with the public. A recent report by the National Academies, Effective Chemistry Communication in Informal Environments, offers a framework to guide chemists in engaging with the public. This framework not only provides structure to communication activities, it is also intended to encourage chemists to engage with the public.

També identifica quatre motivacions principals per ficar-se en la comunicació pública de la química:

The Effective Chemistry Communication report identifies four primary motivations of chemists who engage in public communication, which are to


Increase public appreciation of and excitement for chemistry as a source of knowledge about the world


Develop scientifically informed consumers (i.e., consumers will be able to use chemistry information to make decisions or solve problems)


Empower informed citizen participation in democratic processes


Encourage workforce development in the chemical sciences

I pel que fa a l’esquema de la pròpia comunicació, esmenta cinc elements:

Element 1.

Set communication goals and outcomes appropriate for the target participants.

Element 2.

Familiarize yourself with your resources.

Element 3.

Design the communication activity and how it will be evaluated.

Element 4.


Element 5.

Assess, reflect, and follow up.

Em sembla rellevant el que es proposa, tres coses:

In fulfilling its charge, the committee found few research studies on chemistry communication. Consequently, the report recommends “Chemists and experts in empirical approaches to science communication, informal learning, and chemistry education should collaborate to study chemistry communication in informal settings.”(2) The committee recommends that such collaborations should focus on three priority areas: (i) public perceptions and understanding of chemistry; (ii) digital media; and (iii) chemistry research and education policy. The chemistry education research tools applied to learning in classroom settings may be applicable to communicating chemistry in informal settings.

És a dir, que es col.labori en la recerca en comunicació de la química, i que es faci sobre la percepció pública i la comprensió de la química, sobre la comunicació digital, i sobre les polítiques d’recerca i d’educació química.