El World Economic Forum publica al seu web el post The jobs of the future – and two skills you need to get them on es reflexiona sobre les competències que es demanaran als futurs treballadors. Diu que hi ha dues habilitats principals: la matemàtica i la social. Fins i tot dóna una figura on es veu quines ocupacions incrementaran la demanda, i quines la baixaran:
En general totes les professions que demanen competències socials han pujat de demanda, i en canvi han baixat les que no en demanen.
The good news is that those same technological advances will also create 2.1 million new jobs. But the manual and clerical workers who find themselves out of work are unlikely to have the required skills to compete for the new roles. Most new jobs will be in more specialized areas such as computing, mathematics, architecture and engineering.
Governments and employers in every sector are being urged to retrain and re-skill workers to avoid a crisis.
“Without urgent and targeted action today, to manage the near-term transition and build a workforce with future-proof skills, governments will have to cope with ever-growing unemployment and inequality, and businesses with a shrinking consumer base,” said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum.