Un post interessant de la LSE parla de com ser acadèmic del Segle XXI: Open Research for Academics: how to be an academic in the twenty-first century. S’hi parla de
- Escriure de forma clara
- Tenir estratègia de comunicació social de la ciència
- Fer servir bé les xarxes socials
- Tenir en compte metodologies obertes
EL LSE ha muntat “Open Research for Academics” que tracta sobre aquest tema:
Open research is much more than open access. It is about making all aspects of the research process open to all possible interested parties. It involves innovative approaches to communicating results and sharing outputs. It is about accessibility, inclusivity, citizen science, public engagement, radical transparency, reproducibility, data sharing, social media and more.
Supported by the British Academy, this event aims to inspire and educate researchers across all disciplines on how to benefit from opening up their research. Attendance is free, with free lunch, a free wine reception and great prizes to be won.
Sobre la ciència oberta, LSE també diu
Current challenges in academia are not solely limited to making research accessible externally but also to promoting openness internally, within the entire spectrum of academic disciplines. Open research is about visibility, inclusivity and practices that promote interdisciplinary collaborations and reproducibility of findings. The common angst is that the act of sharing ideas invites plagiarism or intellectual theft. This may or may not be true (we’ve seen very little evidence of this but perhaps we aren’t looking in the right places.) The tantalising paradox is that, by making methodologies visible, researchers actually have more agency over them – as an author, by choosing to publish in open access journals, one retains all rights over one’s intellectual labour.
Em sembla que val la pena llegir aquest post de forma detinguda.