Xarxes socials per a Acadèmics: un llibre i un blog

És una sort que @lseimpactblog, l’excel.lent blog de la London School of Economics, repiuli els seus articles. Precisament vaig veure una crítica-revisió del llibre Social Media for Academics, del sociòleg  Marc Carrigan, especialista en aquest tema de la Unviersitat de Warwick. Naturalment em va interessar de seguida aquest tema, així que hi vaig fer un cop d’ull. El llibre té diversos capítols:

  • Chapter 1: Social media and digital scholarship
  • Chapter 2: Using social media to publicise your work
  • Chapter 3: Using social media to build your network
  • Chapter 4: Using social media for public engagement
  • Chapter 5: Using social media to manage information
  • Chapter 6: Professional identity in an age of social media
  • Chapter 7: Communicating effectively online
  • Chapter 8: Finding the time for social media
  • Chapter 9: The future landscape of academic social media

que més o menys incideixen en temes ja sapiguts, però que tambe tracten aspectes menys tractats: com trobar temps, o l’activitat acadèmica digital. Segons l’editorial SAGE:

Social Media for Academics provides clear guidance on effectively and intelligently using social media for academic purposes across disciplines, from publicising your work and building networks to engaging the public with your research. It is supported by real life examples and underpinned by principles of good practice to ensure you make the most of social media.

El que @lseimpacblog diu del llibre és interessant:

Social media stirs up an awful lot of anxiety in the academic community and, to a large extent, rightly so. Yet it does offer a world of possibilities that are not without challenges, but Carrigan addresses many of these in a way that has a good balance. His pragmatic approach will hopefully chime with readers who have begun exploring social media as part of their work. For those yet to dip their toe into social media, Carrigan offers plenty of evidence-based advice as to the wheres and whys of how to start, but more importantly, how to avoid getting it wrong in the first place. Social media platforms can be a bit like going to a new restaurant for the first time – if you have a bad experience, you might not go back again. Social Media for Academicsis a balanced and thoughtful academic TripAdvisor that shows you the best dishes and the dirty kitchens in one guide.

Tant o més interessant que aquest llibre és el blog del seu autor. A part de ser estèticament atractiu, la veritat és que proporciona píndoles reflexives que em semblen molt atractives. per exemple el concepte d’Accelerated Academy o Ideas and Reflections. En aquest últim apartat per exemple hi trobo rellevant Social Media and Open Research: What Does ‘Open’ Mean? o Some thoughts on fast and slow science in the accelerated academy.

Finalment, m’ha agradat el seu resum del que ha fet el 2016 i del que pensa fer el 2017. Hi ha bona teca a aquest blog.