Editor del número dedicat a la comunicació científica de la revista Communcation Papers

La revista Communication Papers és editada pel Grup de Recerca de Coomunicació Social i Institucional de la Universitat de Girona. La seva editora és la Carmen Echazarreta, professora d’estudis de comunicació de la UdG. Segons la revista,

Communication Papers is a scientific research journal, initiative from the ‘ARPA research group’ of the University of Girona which is integrated in the ‘Latin Platform of Communication Journals’ (PlatCom). Our objective is to collect articles from the scope of journalism, audiovisual communication and advertising, with particular emphasis on issues that deepen in the treatment of gender and media literacy.

Commun. Pap. llança ara un número (el 13) dedicat a la Comunicació Científica: call for papers, on tinc l’honor de ser-ne coeditor. Hi ha temps fins a l’octubre d’enviar propostes de comunicació, que no només poden ser de recerca original, sinó també poder ser assaigs, recensions de llibres, etc. La descripció d’aquesta crida és

Science communication, in its many different manifestations (dissemination, mass delivery, social networks, professional responsiblity, formal and non-formal activities), is currently under great duress, due mainly to a couple of key factors: firstly, no meaningful advances are currently being made in Science culture – in fact it is even going backwards in Western societies. Secondly, the dual role of scientists as communicators, and of communicators as scientists.

Indeed, a scarcity of funding for science communication is hurting many efforts. But despite this, there are abundant opportunities and a wealth of ideas on innovative ways to deliver, critizice, assess and improve Science in all its connections with citizens, students, and professionals through all communication procedures. Moreover, Open Science is still only in its infancy and suffering teething problems related to Open Access issues with publishers.

Scientists are not yet sufficiently convinced of the usefulness and need for communicating their research advances, while journalists and other modern communicators are not yet convinced that scientists are able to communicate effectively and innovatively.

The public perception of scientists, joined together with gender bias, are two fields that are worth considering in this respect. The relationship between art and science, and even the debate of whether science is actually also culture, is also worth addressing.

This edition of Communication Papers targets these issues, and will accept contributions that provide a deeper insight into the relationship between two or various items involved in science communication. Papers are welcome on the role of researchers, scientists, the mass media, social networks, the Internet, communicators, universities, research institutions, informal communication, local entrepeneurs, and anything worth considering for the sake of improving science communication – and perhaps disrupting it to force it into a new era. Such new times might encompass something yet to be devised.

All in all, this edition of Communication Papers should be a useful tool for anyone interested in the field. Manuscripts in the form of science papers are very welcome, but we may also accept essays, book reviews and open articles.

We expect to include contributions from various fields of knowledge. Indeed, along with contributions from scientists and communicators, essays and articles from the fields of, among others, law, business, the humanities, and the arts, will also be relevant.

?Estic molt engrescat amb aquesta iniciativa que em van proposar els companys dels estudis de comunicació de la UdG. El nostre grup, per cert, està implicat amb el Campus Sectorial de Comunicació Local i Corporativa, coordinat per en Lluís Costa, del mateix àmbit de comunicació.

La sinèrgia entre l’entorn de la Carmen i d’en Lluís i el nostre entorn segur que serà fructífer. Nosaltres, de ben segur, n’aprendrem moltes coses.

Esperem les vostres contribucions!