Low-tech webs, blogs, … internet sostenible

M’ha agradat molt l’article de Fast Company titulat The future of web design is less, not more one esmenta un servidor web ubicat físicament a Barcelona que funciona amb plaques solars i deixa de funcionar si no hi ha energia disponible: Low>-Tech Magazine

Unlike millions of other dynamic sites on the internet today that retrieve each piece of content from a database any time someone visits, Low-Tech’s solar-powered site is simply static documents stored on a single, self-hosted server.

That server is powered by a small photovoltaic array on founder Kris De Decker’s balcony in Barcelona, which keeps the site online when it’s sunny. If it’s cloudy for more than a day or two, Low-Tech goes offline. A battery icon on each article shows how much juice the server has left and the forecast (sunny and 83%, at the moment).

La idea és fer les coses més senzilles, no fer tracking dels visitants, no fer servir cookies, fer servir el màxim d’HTML directament, no gastar recursos del servidor ni de l’usuari, etc. M’agrada la idea! A més, el disseny senzill facilita la lectura i la comprensió dels diferents temes.

M’agrada això:

Otsuka points to Jevons’ paradox, an economic theory that states that if you become more efficient at using a particular resource, you don’t end up using less of it. Instead, you use more–because of increased demand. In other words, the goal isn’t to make today’s typically heavy web design more efficient. It’s to reduce its energy consumption overall. Or, as Roscam Abbing puts it on the site’s open source guide to low-tech design, “Not in order to be able to ‘do more with the same,’ but rather ‘to do the same with less.’”

i també això, fent una crida a la reflexió i a la sostenibilitat:

The design nudges readers to consume less energy, which means altering our behavior and being a little more thoughtful about the information we consume. It makes the internet feel like a finite resource: Rather than begging us to click, it asks us to only click when we need to. Do you really need that extra tab?

Per pensar-hi, per pensar-hi més endavant, no pas només ara.