Una visió diferent de com comunicar-se amb els estudiants d’una universitat… i com difondre esdeveniments

L’Inside Higher Education ha portat aquesta setmana una interessant entrada titulada Expectations and Responsibility – Improving University Internal Messaging amb el subtítol crític Stop blaming students about your bad tactics and start teaching them how to manage their communications. Una mica considera que potser els joves, que en teoria saben fer anar totes les xarxes socials, venen ensenyats, en saben més que els adults… potser no tenen assolida la competència de comunicar ni comunicar-se bé. Però que la Universitat encara no ha sapigut detectar això.

Als estudiants els hi arriba de tot i per múltiples vies

There a loads of reasons why emails go out to students. Social media provide convenient avenues to share events, policies, tips, etc. Learning systems are like Swiss Army knives when it comes to engagement potential..yes, they can do a lot, but do you really need an awl? Each person/department sending out countless messages via digital channels thinks that their content is important. And, from a micro perspective, they are correct. However, take a look at the big picture and students are downstream from a tidal wave of communications that they are largely unprepared to manage.


In a recent post on the Student Affairs Professionals Facebook group, Corey Miller, an SA pro at the University of Alaska Anchorage, described this communications tension perfectly: “It seems at some point the student really needs to be taking ownership of their own campus experience OR that the university needs to streamline what platform its willing to put all of its time and energy into.”

Internal university communications is about expectations and responsibility…a bit of ‘both/and.’

És a dir, la Universitat hauria de concentrat els seus esforços en un canal determinat, i ensenyar els estudiants a fer-lo servir adequadament:

If you expect students to ‘get’ all of your messages, then it’s crucial that you develop a communications literacy/capability program (sometimes these types of programs are built into digital literacy/capability structures) that spans the entire student journey.

Teaching students how digital engagement works at your university offers up two distinct benefits: students enhance their digital literacy and your messages have a better chance of being read. It’s win-win.

M’agrada aquesta idea de proporcionar un programa d’alfabetització comunicacional als estudiants. I és tan bona idea, que crec que seria bo extendre-la a tothom. En un marc de formes de comunicar, de comunicar-se, de missatgeria instantània… i del correu electrònic, els ciutadans han de tenir la capacitat de moures-s’hi bé. I de passada, seria més fàcil difondre esdeveniments, arribar a tothom, remarcar allò que és important… encara que tothom crec que allò que organitza és el més important que ha de saber un receptor…