Un article del LSE Impact Blog titulat Teaching to the blog – How assessed blogging can enhance engaged learning tracta el tema de passar de demanar treballs per escrit no públics a demanar entrades als blogs, per tal d’avaluar assignatures. Aquesta entrada comença afirmant que l’avaluació és el motor de la implicació:
assessment is the key driver of engagement
Blogging was a radical departure from the norm for all of the students we interviewed; they had all been trained in the conventions of written essays and exams to the point where they felt they knew exactly what was expected of them. Being asked to blog was a huge difference and, certainly at the start of the process, was one that left them feeling slightly bewildered and worried that they weren’t doing it properly.
Estructura, creativitat i connexions són els tres aspectes que ajuden més als estudiants a fer-ho bé. L’article en parla, de cadascun d’aquests aspectes, per exemple
Many described blogging as ‘freeing’, ‘creative’ and they even used the ‘f’ word. Yes, blogging was ‘fun’. They often contrasted the blog format to the rigidity and standardisation of conventional essays and described the freedom of writing in an engaging fashion
Haurem de provar-ho altra vegada.