Nous usos de la Intel.ligència artificial a l’educació superior

He vist un article a The Guardian sobre un assistent basat en IA a ‘It’s an educational revolution’: how AI is transforming university life. Moltes universitats tenen ja charbots, però l’article parla també d’altres usos de la Intel·ligència artificial, que en particular pot rebaixar les tasques més repetitives i menys creatives de la feina d’un professor universitari.

Per exemple,

Toby Baker, from Nesta’s Innovation Lab, co-authored a report into the use of AI in UK education, and found different tools being used across the board. Some are aimed at tailoring a personalised educational experience for learners, while others ease teachers’ workloads through tools such as automated marking. Others help managers make decisions, including tools that analyse data across multiple colleges to predict which are likely to perform less well in inspections.

AI can solve the myriad problems in the current education system, he says. “It has the potential to widen access and participation, improve consistency of education provision and relive some of the pressures on our teachers and lecturers who, in some cases, are drowning in administrative work. We can see that has a knock-on effect on the wellbeing of teaching staff, and the ability to retain and recruit talent.”

Caldrà fer un cop d’ull a aquest informe sobre la IA a UK.

La darrera frase de l’article és rellevant:

“The number of humans who get quality education is about 20%, which means 80% don’t. The problem is not too many teachers. The problem is we don’t have enough human teachers. We want to amplify the reach of the good teachers so they can reach everyone.”

O sigui: IA, sí, però mestres humans, també.