Que venen els robots!

He vist una entrada al Inside Higher Education titulada The Robots Are Coming! que, fent una revisió del llibre “The Robots Are Coming!: The Future of Jobs in the Age of Automation”, proporciona varis títols de llibres interessants per conèixer l’impacte de la Intel.ligència Artificial sobre el futur de l’empleabilitat – i de l’educació superior, és clar.

Photo by Katarzyna Pe on Unsplash

L’autor cita, per exemple:

The Robots Are Coming joins a growing list of books that attempt to answer these questions.

From a purely higher ed perspective, the best of the bunch is Joseph Aoun’s 2017 Robot-Proof: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.  

The must-read book on the future of technology and employment is Frey’s recent The Technology Trap: Capital, Labor, and Power in the Age of Automation.

Other books that cover similar ground to The Robots Are Coming include:

The best written, but most pessimistic, book on the impact of technology and jobs is Martin Ford’s 2015 Rise of the Robots.  This is also a book that seems to have had an outsize influence on the thinking of many in academia.

L’autor de l’entrada critica una mica el llibre esmentat:

The real story of the future of online education that we should be telling is that we will be dropping the “online.”  Just as we no longer say “digital photography,” online education will only be “education.” The norm will be to mix and match modalities of residential and online education.

Hi estic força d’acord. No hi ha “educació superior a distància, online o per xarxa”, hi ha “educació superior”. Ja comença a ser hora que les universitats tradicionals, presencials ho entenguin.

La pregunta que es fa l’autor és rellevant:

Will technology do to academia what it is doing to the entertainment and sports industries, driving the superstar economy where a very few rockstars and all-stars take most of the rewards?

Jo crec que més que no pas la tecnologia, el sistema d'”estrelles” universitàries i investigadores ja s’està produint (per exemple, via Starting Grants de la ERC, els ICREA, etc.). Potser és bo, no ho sé. Ens hi haurem d’adaptar. Sempre tenint en compte la finalitat de les universitats, és clar.