Després de la xerrada d’abans d’ahir a l ‘@iceudg, amb la @silviasimonr hem pensat que hauríem de saber l’estat actual de l’ús de la intel·ligència artificial en el camp de la comunicació científica, i de la pròpia recerca. Afegim doncs aquest camp d’interès a l’educació superior i a la química (i la seva connexió amb la computació quàntica).
Una recerca ràpida m’ha permès adonar-me de què, de fet, la #artint pot jugar, i ja hi juga, un apper important per ajudar a digerir la ingent informació científica generada en forma de publicacions en revistes indexades i serioses. Perquè ja no tenim temps de seguir la bibliografia, i perquè segurament un bot pot fer una raonable bona curació de continguts.
A part, hi veig l’#artint en el camp general de la comunicació. Hi ha força menys teca que en el camp de l’educació superior, però n’hi ha, i segurament que augmentarà.
De moment, he anat recollint algunes referències interessants:
The Future of Human Communication: How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform the Way We Communicate on es parla de la #artint en comunicació, i de com es poden simular diverses audiències:
But we’ve seen that artificial intelligence is enabling people to approach creative endeavors in a way that resembles math, blurring the line between art and science. According to Ray Kurzweil, one of the best-known AI thinkers, this creative process begins with “Hybrid Thinking,” an interplay between human and cyber intelligence that he sees as the next big leap in thinking, and it goes so far as Google researchers’ attempts to quantify the ultimate art: art.
AI writing bots are about to revolutionise science journalism: we must shape how this is done és un article de la revista JCOM on es parla de que potser l’#artint substituïrà els periodistes científics…
The rise of artificial intelligence has recently led to bots writing real news stories about sports, finance and politics. As yet, bots have not turned their attention to science, and some people still mistakenly think science is too complex for bots to write about. In fact, a small number of insiders are now applying AI algorithms to summarise scientific research papers and automatically turn them into simple press releases and news stories. Could the science beat be next in line for automation, potentially making many science reporters — and even editors — superfluous to science communication through digital press? Meanwhile, the science journalism community remains largely unaware of these developments, and is not engaged in directing AI developments in ways that could enhance reporting
The impact of artificial intelligence on communication! on per exemple s’hi diu que
Artificial intelligence can be programmed to respond the same way to a scenario without the uncertainty of emotional or heated responses.An AI chatbot can be programmed to respond correctly to certain keywords, phrases, or situations that comply with the brand style guide or company’s guidelines.
How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Scientific Research és un interessant article sobre com les màquines faran feines rutinàries (però complexes) dels científics:
We are entering a new age of scientific research where mundane research tasks will be carried out by machines letting scientists focus on bigger questions of research and development. Thus, artificial intelligence is promising to profoundly reshape scientific research and exploration. Not only will AI lead to innovations, discoveries and scientific advancements but will also speed up the research process.
What can AI do to support science journalism? sobre el periodisme científic: cerca creativa, com trobar noves audiències, guia per al storytelling… són algunes de les tasques de la #artint aquí. Interessant:
we are imagining and designing new interactive AI tools to support journalists writing about science in other ways, and working with journalists to co-design the new features of these new tools.
Science Communication, Artificial Intelligence, and Hollywood tracta de com l’#artint pot ajudar a crear clips de video científic, de tal forma que els investigadors puguin destinar el seu temps a altres coses:
AI is being considered as a way to enhance many activities involving the analysis of large amounts of data—such as in the medical or legal fields. Using AI to create movie trailers or science videos may seem to be a trivial goal compared to making a more accurate medical diagnosis; however, when you consider how important it is for science professionals to be good communicators, the idea seems worthwhile. In the coming posts, I’ll explore this topic further and provide a bit more detail about how IBM’s Watson was used to create a movie trailer.
Artificial intelligence can expedite scientific communication and eradicate bias from the publishing process tracta de com l’#artint pot intervenir de forma neutra en el procés de revisió dels manuscripts corresponents a activitat investigadora original:
Our current publishing model creates an opportunity for potential predatory journals/publishers to take authors’ money and publish their work without scrutiny. The fact that this happens as frequently as it does, tells us that there is not enough capacity within the publishing community to process the amount of scientific writing that is being generated. AI solutions will help to address this shortage in two ways. First, AI will increase the overall capacity to publish quality works by finding new reviewers, creating automated reviews, etc. Second, using AI technologies will make it possible to take an automated retrospective look at published works and quickly identify organisations that are not fulfilling their obligation to uphold appropriate standards.
Són alguns articles sobre #artint i comunicació científica que poden donar algunes pistes i que em serviran de base per continuar la cerca.