Ahir i avui ha tingut lloc el congrés Open Science Communication 2022, a Belgrad. La Sílvia Simon ha pogut anar-hi presencialment i a part d’assistir a les diferents sessions, ha presentat dues comunicacions. Una primera va ser ahir en el marc de la sessió anomenada Open Science: Unlock your Research for multilayered audiences and resources: Open Datasets and Linked Open Data, as useful tools towards assessment of biases involving gender and/or academic field of study. On street and educational center eponyms. Aquesta comunicació la signem també la Núria Alsina i jo mateix, encara que no hem pogut assistir al congrés. Resum:
Our science communication group is involved, among other initiatives, in a project analyzing biases related to gender and to the scientific/academic field of study. Recently we have started a collaboration with an open knowledge-related association (Amical Wikimedia, a thematic organization related to Wikipedia and sister projects) dealing with the study of street and educational center eponyms. The purpose of such collaboration is to assess the gender imbalance in the names given either to streets (and other urban elements) or educational centers, with a likely extension to other public and private eponyms (stadiums, libraries, civic centers, hospitals, etc.)
Starting from earlier examples of studies of street names and school names, we have focused our analysis in the Catalan-speaking area, while considering eponyms from Open Datasets provided by government websites.
Our ultimate purpose was to use only Wikidata, as an Open Knowledge Graph, to carry out the study. However, streets are not present in Wikidata, in general. On the contrary, for the target focus geographical area primary and secondary schools are available, both public and private. This has led us to use semi automatic procedures for street names, while carrying out a rather manual analysis for street names, along with OpenStreetMap.
A simple overview of data is that there is a rather constant 85:15 ratio between male and female eponyms. We have been able to consider also the fields of study/work of people, and found that scientists are far less likely to be an eponym than culture-, sport-, or leadership/politics-related individuals. Moreover, we have found that, in a relative way, female eponyms are missing from Wikipedia more often than male eponyms.
All in all, we will present this overall project, comment on its main results, and provide clues to future studies and analysis, which are indeed to emerging collaborations.
L’altra comunicació ha estat avui mateix, en el marc del Pop Up Science Club Session & Speakers: Magic and Games: Periodic Table, Quantum, Entropy, Women and Science, on ha presentat els diversos jocs i elements comunicatius que hem anat desenvolupant darrerament, tant pel que fa a la pròpia màgia, com pel que fa a conceptes complexos i des de fa poc al projecte de dones i ciència. Formem part com a coautors no assistents en Fernando Blasco, en Miquel Solà i jo mateix.