Pot la IA remplaçar la ciència?

Al blog Fast Company hi ha un article titulat “Why AI can’t replace science. We shouldn’t overstate the impact of machine learning on the scientific process”, on

Today, AI is being increasingly integrated into scientific discovery to accelerate research, helping scientists generate hypotheses, design experiments, gather and interpret large datasets, and write papers. But the reality is that science and AI have little in common and AI is unlikely to make science obsolete. The core of science is theoretical models that anyone can use to make reliable descriptions and predictions.

The core of AI, in contrast, is, as Anderson noted, data mining: ransacking large databases for statistical patterns: “correlation is enough.” If anything, public knowledge is viewed as hindering an unfettered search for statistical patterns.

I acaba amb una frase interessant:

The impact of AI on our lives may be enormous but it will not necessarily be positive. One of the biggest harms of ChatGPT and other LLMs so far has been the pollution of the Internet with disinformation and scams. Let’s hope that AI doesn’t pollute science too.