Com focalitzar l’atenció en l’era de la distracció

Gràcies al blog australià Learning fundamentals he vist un molt divertit, planer i interessant gràfic titulat How to Focus in the Age of Distraction que resumeix les formes de focalitzar l’atenció en un món ple de possibilitats de distracció. L’autor l’ha elaborat després de llegir el llibre “Focus: A simplicity manifesto in the age of distraction


La veritat és que té coses força interessants, com per exemple pensar de bon matí què és el més important que cal fer durant el dia, i quines són les dues o tres coses realment importants que cal dur a terme.

N’hi ha una que està força bé: “no connectis a Internet, twitter, e-mail, etc…” fins que no hagis acabat de bon matí la llista de les tres coses realment importants que has de fer durant el dia. M’adono que jo mateix ja ho faig, això. Les escric en un paper.

Del post de LearningFundamentals, se’n treu que el llibre proporciona (i el gràfic) set idees clau:

  • Create Focus Rituals/Habits: Babauta defines a ritual as a set of actions you repeat habitually.
  • Managing Email: A lecturer once told me “You’ll get 10% more done in the day if you don’t check your email first thing in the morning”.
  • Take Time to Reflect and Review: Babauta recommends that we create a simplified list of the top three things we need to do in the day and then complete task number 1 before checking email, Facebook, etc.
  • Help for Addicts: Don’t kid yourself, Facebook and email is highly addictive. Behavioural psychologist B.F Skinner’s experiments with rats in the skinner boxes illustrated just how addictive unpredictable rewards can be. The reality is Facebook is designed to be addictive. It’s full of unpredictable rewards.
  • Take a Digital Detox: We need time away from the Internet, television, video games, etc. Time when we disconnect from these digital devices and immerse ourselves in other creative pursuits that will help us to grow. It’s also important for us to take time to reflect on our lives (when was the last time you sat back and thought, “Am I really doing what I want to be doing with my life?”)
  • Managing Your Space: Remove 95% of all the posters and bits of paper stuck to your office wall (all I have is a Gantt chart and colourful picture of a Hindu goddess). A clear wall means you have less stuff to be distracted by.
  • How to Work: Work in focused bursts for 50 minutes (no distractions) and then take a 20-minute break. In your break get away from technological devices. Go for a walk, do some stretches, etc.

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