Cursos de la P2PU: Periodisme obert i la web oberta

ImageGràcies a Boing-Boing he vist un curs de sis setmanes de durada per a periodistes i informàtics titulat Open Journalism and the Open Web.

A part de l’interès intrínsec del curs, és interessant veure que aprofiten una plataforma anomenada Peer to Peer University, que té per lema Learning for everyone, by everyone, about almost anything:

The Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) is an online community of open study groups for short university-level courses. Think of it as online book clubs for open educational resources. The P2PU helps you navigate the wealth of open education materials that are out there, creates small groups of motivated learners, and supports the design and facilitation of courses. Students and tutors get recognition for their work, and we are building pathways to formal credit as well.

A part d’aquest curs, n’hi he vist d’altres, com per exemple un sobre Open Textbooks.

Aquesta entrada de Boing-Boing també permet veure un nou verb en anglès: “To Slashdot“, és a dir, aparèixer a