L’horari i el temps d’un professor universitari (americà)


En uns moments en què hi ha sobre la taula el nou Estatut del Personal Docent i Investigador espanyol (veure l’excel.lent blog de l’Enric Canela per a més informació), és interessant conèixer un exemple del que un professor universitari americà diu del seu horari i del seu temps. Naturalment cada professor-investigador és diferent, però em sembla un exemple interessant d’activitats que figuren clarament en l’horari (classes i tutories) i les que ni tan sols hi poden ser (peer review).

A What I Do With My Time del blog EduOptimists, s’hi esmenten al menys 8 categories d’activitats:

  • (1) Independent studies
  • (2) Teaching
  • (3) Advising
  • (4) Committee work
  • (5) Research
  • (6) State service
  • (7) National service
  • (8) Public engagement

La darrera part és la que correspon a l’activitat 2.0 d’aquest professor, sobretot en forma d’entrades de blog i de piulades a twitter. Aquest professor acaba, segons ell, d’aconseguir la tenure track, és a dir, esdevenir professor estable. Fa força feina.

I pel que fa a l’horari:

Monday-Friday: Up by 7 am, checking email for 15-20 minutes before starting commute at 745 am. Usually on a call or two en route to work. In the office in non-stop meetings and teaching from 830 am til 430 pm, rarely taking a break for lunch (ask my students- I hardly ever get to eat). Commute home, spend time with kids and have dinner. Back to work by 8 pm, working until 11 pm.

Saturday/Sunday: An hour of email each morning, 3-5 hours each afternoon, plus 2-3 hours each evening.

In the last year I estimate I worked 67-80 hours/week, and this represented a decline of about 5 hours/week from the prior year. I took no more than a total of a week’s vacation.

Did I mention my wonderful husband and children (ages 1 and 4)? Wouldn’t be possible without them.

No sé si es tracta d’un professor 2.0. Però s’hi comença a acostar.

Imatge: extreta de http://lawyerswithdepression.wordpress.com/2009/06/30/time-management/

2 thoughts on “L’horari i el temps d’un professor universitari (americà)

  1. Miquel, i el temps per preparar i justificar projectes on l’inclous?

    P.D.: és una investigadora

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