The Community Roundtable he de reconèixer que és una excel.lent font d’idees per a la web 2.0 i la universitat 2.0. En una entrada anomenada Getting Your Feet Wet In Social Media & Community, proporcionen la informació clau per entendre de què va la web 2.0: per què m’ha d’importar? Entenent les coses bàsiques. Com s’aplica a les organitzacions? Exemples, sisplau? Com començo? Més enllà: la gestió de la comunitat.
One of the primary jobs of a community manager is to help coach, train, educate, convince, and prod others in the organization to understand what this online communications environment is all about and why is should matter to them. A large part of that training covers the different tools and online social networks that make up what is loosely referred to as social media. We shared some of the best methods of educating internal staff in our post Wash-Rinse-Repeat but there is also the question of what content to share and where to start. We put together a page that includes resources from around the web that we think are excellent, called Getting your Feet Wet in Social Media & Community.
Tampoc no té desperdici The Social Media Coaching Center, que amb la pregunta “què vols aprendre avui?” proporciona respostes a allò que la gent realment vol saber sobre les xarxes socials (segons el web, és clar).
Social media strategy is just one component of a marketing plan. You’ve got to implement it too, and that’s where it can get ugly. As social media coaches and consultants we love to learn new tricks, find new networks and applications to solve the issues our clients face or just to make their lives a little easier. We do this for work, but we do it for fun too. Finding a better, cooler, faster way of doing things get’s sort of competitive in our business!
But wait, how do you learn all this stuff? While Janet Fouts was doing the research for her book (Social Media Success!) she asked what people really wanted to learn. Clients kept asking for the same information over and over and we didn’t see a resource out there that was both affordable and realistic in what was offered.
So we got together to provide a place to get ethical strategies for social media and online marketing that we offer to our clients every day with the addition of step by step tutorials for the applications, networks and techniques that make for a successful on-line marketing campaign.
Tenim moltes bones fonts per aprendre. Posar-s’hi a la pràctica ja és una mica més complicat, però es pot fer.