Casament via mecànica quàntica

Gràcies al post de Slashdot titulat Let Quantum Physics Officiate Your Wedding he vist que es fa servir l’efecte quànica d’entrallaçament de partícules per fer un casament: entrellça parells de fotos i n’envia un a cada membre de la parella que es casa.

Keats has designed an entangling apparatus, which, when situated in a sunny window and exposed to the full spectrum of solar radiation, divides pairs of entangled photons and translates them to the bodies of a nearby couple.’ As unusual as it seems, the ceremony is serious business to Keats, who says, ‘The quantum marriage will literally be broken up by skepticism about it.


L’article de diu que

According to Keats, the couple won’t know to what extent they’ve become entangled, because any attempt to measure a quantum system disturbs it.

“The quantum marriage will literally be broken up by skepticism about it,” he said.

Basically they have to take it on faith.

Entanglements will be available from May 12 to June 18 2011 in the South Alcove of the AC Institute, 547 W. 27th St, 6th Floor, in New York City.

Molt interessant: no se sap fins a quin grau s’està entrellaçat, ja que en mecànica quàntica mesurar un observable destrueix l’entrellaçament. I a més, el casament quàntic es trenca si se n’és escèptic!

Estaré atent a veure quines parelles es cases per aquest mètode.