He vist al LSE IMpact Blog l’entrada In a globalised and networked world, what is the unique value a university can bring? Introducing Open Knowledge Institutions on es parla d’un llibre col·laboratiu que s’està creant i on es reflexiona sobre el paper de les institucions d’educació superior i el coneixement obert:
In April 2018 a group of us came together with the shared conviction that tackling these issues requires us to see how they are linked, and that the best way to see both the opportunities and challenges was to rethink and expand what we mean by “open”. Over five days, supported by facilitation from Book Sprints, we went from the nebulous idea that a university in the 21st century needs to be “an open knowledge institution” to the first draft of a book fleshing out that idea.
I llavors van fer…
What we identified was links between ideas of open science and open scholarship, diversity (of people, ideas and topics), and the coordination required to work effectively together. In the book we argue that this is a “wicked problem”, one in which all parts need to be considered together to make progress, and one for which we cannot simply design the right solution but must find our way iteratively towards it. How many open access policies talk about diversity and inclusion issues? How many diversity and inclusion policies talk about open access to research? But how can open access to research deliver on its promise of value to wider communities of users if voices and language that are meaningful to those users are not involved in the conduct and communication of that research?
I en definitiva, més que parlar d’universitats noves, tracten la frontera difusa entre coneixement obert i tancat:
In developing the book over five days we needed a way of understanding the change we were advocating for. The idea of an “Open Knowledge Institution” developed as a way of organising our ideas. This is not merely a way of advocating for everything to be open all the time, but a way of understanding the tensions between “open” and “closed”. The book charts how the internet has shifted the balance of a tension between control and disorder in knowledge production and how the opportunities the web brings lead directly to many of the challenges we need to address.
I què pretenen?
To address these challenges, we advocate for this idea of universities as Open Knowledge Institutions. These are institutions in the very broad sense, that support and provide spaces for the world’s creative diversity to contribute to a common stock of global knowledge. This means reinventing some of our ideas about what university is, or should be, while also recognising that this change has to be an evolution, not a revolution.
The need to adapt to the disruptive force of a digital world has occupied the attention universities for a decade. We hope this new perspective will prove a further catalyst for consideration.
Està que es parli d’evolució i no pas de revolució, però també és cert que és difícil que l’actual universitat evolucioni, si els seus integrants no n’estan gaire covençuts. Està bé que es parli de catàlisi a la darrera frase… I està bé això de l’equilibri entre la tensió entre control i desordre en la producció de coneixement.
Accés obert, coneixement obert, diversitat, creativitat… molts conceptes, molts de mots… pots en aquest llibre hi veurem les coses més clares. Per cert… és obert, i s’hi poden fer aportacions.
Photo by Gabriel Sollmann on Unsplash